

โรคที่สำคัญทางจิตเวชศาสตร์ ที่จิตแพทย์ต้องวินิจฉัยได้และรักษาได้ แบ่งตามระดับการจัดการเรียนรู้ดังนี้

ระดับที่ 1        โรคหรือภาวะที่พบบ่อย และมีความสำคัญซึ่งแพทย์ประจำบ้านต้องรู้ป็นอย่างดี  สามารถเรียนรู้ได้จากผู้ป่วยโดยตรง สามารถให้การวินิจฉัย ให้การบำบัดรักษา ส่งเสริมป้องกัน ฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพได้

ระดับที่ 2       โรคหรือภาวะที่มีความสำคัญซึ่งแพทย์ประจำบ้านต้องรู้  สามารถเรียนรู้จากผู้ป่วย อาจไม่ได้ดูแลผู้ป่วยโดยตรง ได้แก่ การร่วม round สามารถให้การวินิจฉัย ให้การบำบัดรักษา ส่งเสริมป้องกัน ฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพได้ในระดับหนึ่ง

ระดับที่ 3       โรคที่พบน้อย ซึ่งแพทย์ประจำบ้านควรรู้ สามารถเรียนรู้โดยการศึกษาด้วยตนเอง หรือฟังบรรยาย สามารถให้การวินิจฉัย ให้การรักษาเบื้องต้นหรือส่งต่อผู้เชี่ยวชาญได้




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F00 - 09 Organic,  including symptomatic,  mental  disorders








F00  Dementia  in  Alzheimer’s  disease

F01 Vascular  dementia                                                                                                                

F05 Delirium

F06  Other  organic  mental disorder  due  to brain  damage and dysfunction  and to  physical  disease  (Organic  hallucinosis,

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F04  Organic  amnestic  syndrome  

F07  Personality  and  behavioral  disorders  due to brain disease,  damage and  dysfunction   (organic  personality  disorder, postencephalic syndrome,  postconcussional syndrome, other)

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F02  Dementia in  other common diseases (Parkinson’s disease,  HIV,  etc.)                                                                                                     

F06  Other  organic  mental disorder  due  to brain  damage and dysfunction  and to  physical                disease  (organic  dissociative  disorder,     organic

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F00 - 09 Organic,  including symptomatic,  mental  disorders

organic  mood disorder,  organic  anxiety  disorder)     


delusional disorder, mild cognitive disorder)                                                                                              

F09  Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorder

- Sexual  dysfunction, Sleep disorder, Catatonic  disorder due  a  general  medical  condition 

F10-19 Substance-Related Disorder


F10  Alcohol-related disorders

F11  Opioid-related disorders

F12  Cannabis-related disorders

F13  Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic-related disorders

F15  Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like)-related disorders

F17  Nicotine-related disorders

F19  Polysubstance-related disorder

F15  Caffeine-related disorders

F18  Inhalant-related disorders


F14  Cocaine-related disorders

F16  Hallucinogen-related disorders

F19  Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)-related disorders

F20 -29 Psychotic disorder

F20 Schizophrenia

F23 Acute and transient psychotic disorder

F25 Schizoaffective disorder

F22 Persistent delusional


F21 Schizotypal disorder

F24 Induced delusional disorder


F28 Other Non-organic psychotic disorders

F29 Unspecified Non-organic psychosis

F 30 - 39  Mood (affective) disorders         

F30.0  Hypomania

F30.1  Mania without   

psychotic symptoms

F30.2  Mania with psychotic Symptoms

F31 Bipolar affective disorder

F32 Depressive episodes

F33 Recurrent depressive disorder

F34.1 Dysthymia

F 30.8 Other manic episodes

F30.9  Manic episode, unspecified

F31.9  Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified

F32.8 Other depressive episodes

F32.9 Depressive episode, unspecified

F33.8 Other recurrent depressive disorders

F33.9 Recurrent depressive disorders, unspecified

  F34.0 Cyclothymia

F34.8 Other persistent mood (affective) disorders

F34.9 Persistent mood (affective) disorder, unspecified

F50 - F59 Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors




F50 Eating disorders








F50.0 Anorexia nervosa

F50.2 Bulimia nervosa







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F50.1 Atypical anorexia nervosa

F50.3 Atypical bulimia nervosa





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F50.4 Overeating associated with other psychological disturbances

F50.5 Vomiting associated with other psychological disturbances

F50.8 Other eating disorders

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F50.9 Eating disorder, unspecified

F51 Nonorganic sleep disorders


F51.0 Nonorganic insomnia



F51.1 Nonorganic hypersomnia

F51.2 Nonorganic disorder of the sleep - wake schedule

F51.5 Nightmares


F51.3 Sleepwalking [somnambulism]

F51.4 Sleep terrors [night terrors]

F51.8 Other nonorganic sleep disorders

F51.9 Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified

F52 Sexual dysfunction, not cause by organic disorder or diseases


F52.0 Lack or loss of sexual desire

F52.1 Sexual aversion and lack of sexual enjoyment

F52.1.10 Sexual aversion

F52.1.11 Lack of sexual enjoyment

F52.2 Failure of genital response

F52.3 Orgasmic dysfunction

F52.4 Premature ejaculation

F52.5 Nonorganic vaginismus

F52.6 Nonorganic dyspareunia

F52.7 Excessive sexual drive

F52.8 Other sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease

F52.9 Unspecified sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease

F53 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not

elsewhere classified


F53 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified



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F54 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere

F54 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere




F55 Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances


F55 Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances


F59 Unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors



F59 Unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors


F60 - 69  Disorders of adult personality and behaviour




Specific personality disorders                             0


F60 - 69  Disorders of adult personality and behaviour Specific personality disorders                            


F61 Mixed and other personality disorders                 



F61 Mixed and other personality disorders                 


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F62 Enduring

personality changes, not attributable to brain damage and disease      



F62 Enduring personality

changes, not attributable to brain damage and disease      

F63 Habit and impulse disorders   


F63.0 Pathological gambling  

F63.2  Pathological stealing [kleptomania]      

F63.3  Trichotillomania   


F63.1 Pathological fire-setting [pyromania]      F63.8  Other habit and impulse disorders      

F63.9     Habit and impulse disorder, unspecified


F64 Gender identity disorders


F64.0 Transsexualism 

F64.2 Gender identity disorder of childhood                   



F64.1 Dual-role transvestism

F64.8  Other gender identity disorders   

F64.9  Gender identity disorder, unspecified                                                                           

F65 Disorders of sexual preference






















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F65.0 Fetishism  

F65.1 Fetishistic transvestism

F65.2     Exhibitionism

F65.3  Voyeurism 

F65.4    Paedophilia 

F65.5   Sadomasochism

F65.6  Multiple disorders of sexual preference    

F65.8  Other disorders of sexual preference

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F65.9    Disorder of sexual preference, unspecified

F70-F79 Mental retardation



Mental Retardation

F70 Mild mental retardation

F71 Moderate mental retardation

F72 Severe mental retardation

F73  Profound mental retardation

F78 Other mental retardation

F79 Unspecified mental retardation


F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development

































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F84 Pervasive developmental disorders


Childhood autism

Atypical autism

Rett’s syndrome

Other childhood disintegrative disorder

Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements

Asperger’s syndrome





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F80 Specific developmental disorders of speech and language


Specific speech articulation disorder

Expressive language disorder

Receptive language disorder

Acquired aphasia with epilepsy

F81 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills


Specific reading disorder

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Specific spelling disorder

Specific disorder of arithmetical skills

Mixed disorder of scholastic skills

F88  Other disorders of psychological development

F89   Unspecified disorder of psychological development                                                                                        

F90-F98 Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence


F90 Hyperkinetic disorders


Disturbance of activity and attention (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Hyperkinetic conduct disorder


F91 Conduct disorders


Conduct disorders confined to the family context

Unsocialized conduct disorders

Socialized conduct disorders

Oppositional defiant disorder





F92 Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions


Depressive conduct disorders


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F93 Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood


Separation anxiety disorders of childhood

Phobic anxiety disorders of childhood

Social anxiety disorders of childhood

Sibling rivalry disorder

F94 Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence

Elective Mutism

Reactive attachment disorder of childhood

Disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood

Other childhood disorders of social functioning

Childhood disorder of social functioning, unspecified

F 95 Tic disorders

Transient tic disorder

Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder

Combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder

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(Gilles de la Tourette)

Other tic disorders

Tic disorder, unspecified

F98 Other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescent





เนื้อหาวิชาจิตเวชศาสตร์ในหัวข้อที่ 2- 13 แบ่งระดับการเรียนรู้ออกเป็น 2  ระดับได้แก่

1.       ต้องรู้  โรคหรือภาวะที่พบบ่อย และมีความสำคัญซึ่งแพทย์ประจำบ้านต้องรู้ป็นอย่างดี  สามารถนำความรู้นำไปใช้ในทางปฏิบัติ เช่น ให้การประเมิน วินิจฉัย บำบัดรักษา ส่งเสริมป้องกัน ฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพได้

2.       ควรรู้  โรคหรือภาวะที่มีความสำคัญซึ่งแพทย์ประจำบ้านควรรู้  สามารถเรียนรู้โดยการฟังบรรยาย การศึกษาด้วยตนเอง  สามารถให้การประเมินวินิจฉัย ให้การรักษาเบื้องต้นหรือส่งต่อผู้เชี่ยวชาญได้











1.       Psychotropic medication





Psychotropic medication




Anxiolytic and hypnotic

Mood stabilizer

Cognitive enhancer



Anabolic steroid

Drug for sexual disorders





-         Pharmacological action

-         Clinical indications

-         Side effects

-         Drug interactions

-         Toxicity

-         Appropriate prescribing practices

-         Age, Gender and ethno-cultural variations


2.       Substance abuse              





Substance abuse




















1.Substance-related disorders (alcohol, stimulant, nicotine, opioid, cannabis, inhalant, sedative, hypnotics, anxiolytics)

·       Epidemiology

·       Etiology – neurobiology and psychosocial factors

·       Pharmacology of each substances

·       Principle of assessment and diagnosis

·       Natural course and prognosis

·       Co-occurring psychiatric disorders and management

·       Substance-induced disorders and management

·       Detoxification



Other substance-related disorders (hallucinogen, caffeine, phencyclidine-like, Kratom, etc.)

·       Epidemiology

·       Etiology – neurobiology and psychosocial factors

·       Pharmacology of each substances

·       Principle of assessment and diagnosis

·       Natural course and prognosis

·       Substance-induced disorders and management

·       Detoxification

·       Treatment and recovery process

·       Psychosocial therapy – Matrix program,



·       Treatment and recovery


·       Addiction-focused pharmacological therapy

·       Psychosocial therapy – motivational interviewing, stage of change, relapse prevention, cognitive-behavioral therapy, individual drug counseling, 12 steps, family education, Others

·       Harm reduction


Phramongkutklao model,

therapeutic communities, Alcoholics Anonymous, Others

·       Prevention

·       Substance abuse in adolescent

·       Family of the addicts

·       Compulsory treatment system and the drug rehabilitation act




3.        Human growth and development
















Biological development throughout the life span

·       Development of brain and nervous system

·       Heredity, genetics, genetic testing

·       Hormonal influences

·       Motor development

·       Perinatal influences


Intelligence throughout the life span

Concepts of intelligence and creativity








·       Physical growth and

·       maturation, aging

·       Prenatal influences

·       Sexual maturation



Development throughout the life span

·       Normality

·       Infancy and childhood

·       Adolescence

·       Adulthood

·       Old age



Cognitive development throughout the life span

·       Attention

·       Executive function

·       Information processing

·       Memory

·       Problem solving and planning

·       Thinking

·       Wisdom and spirituality

·       Language development

Personality and Emotion



·       Development of emotions

·       Emotional expression and regulation



4.       Emergency psychiatry





Specific psychiatric emergency (e.g. abuse of child or adult, adolescent crises, violence)

Abuse of child or adult

-   epidemiology

-  emergency psychiatric interview

-  diagnosis (rape, physical abuse, marital crises)

-  differential diagnosis

-  treatment ;-  Pharmacological   approach,  Psychotherapy, Deposition, Documentation



Adolescent crises

-  etiology  

-  psychopathology and  psychodynamic  theme

-  diagnosis  (depression, anxiety, impulsivity, truancy, eating disorder, bereavement, group hysteria, intermittent explosive disorder)

-  management



Hyperventilation syndrome

-  etiology  

-  pathophysiology

-  diagnosis 

-  management









-  etiology  

-  psychopathology and   psychodynamic  theme

-  diagnosis

-  prediction









-  management (Pharmacological  

approach, Seclusion, Restraint, Documentation)



Epidemiology  (country, international)



Risk factors  (sex, age, race, religion, marital status, occupation, methods, climate, physical health, mental health, psychiatric patients, previous suicidal behavior)




- sociological factors

-  psychological factors

-  biological factors

-  genetic factors

-  parasuicidal behavior




Prediction(risk assessment) –

- inpatient versus outpatient treatment

- national strategy for suicidal prevention



5.       Behavioral science and sociocultural psychiatry




Neurophysiology and  Neurochemistry







Basic  electrophysiology: neural  conduction, action potential, synapse,  receptors   

Neurotransmitters: definition, classification, neuromodulators and neurohormones

Biogenic amines: dopamine,











norepinephrine and epinephrine,

serotonin, histamine, acetylcholine

Peptide/ amino acid  neurotransmitters : endogenous opioids, GABA, glutamate  etc


Neuroimaging  and electrophysiology


Indication  in  clinical  practice

Basic interpretation of CT, MRI

Specific technique : CT, MRI,  fMRI,  PET, SPECT

EEG : normal  EEG tracing, sleep  EEG, abnormal  EEG   

Psychoneuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology and  chronology


Definition and  classification,   endocrine assessment

Hypothalamic–Pituitary-Adrenal  axis,  Hypothalamic–Pituitary-Gonadal  axis,

Hypothalamic–Pituitary-thyroid axis, Growth Hormone, prolactin, melatonin 

Stress  and immune response

Major psychiatric disorder and neuroendocrine /neuroimmunologic manifestation: schizophrenia, MDD

Chronobiology and biological rhythms: circadian rhythms, zeitgebers, sleep-wake  cycle,  dream, polysomnography




Genome and basic molecular biology 

Genetic  term and concept: genotype and phenotype,  endophenotype, epigenetics, proband, trait

Genetic  vulnerability and mental  disorder

Method of  genetic study




Learning  theory



Type  of learning: imprinting, classical  conditioning, operant  conditioning, social  learning,  cognitive learning

Psychiatric applications   of  learning  theory

Neurophysiology of  learning  : habituation and sensitization, memory formation and storage, motivation




Mental  disorder associated with aggression  

Assessment  and  Prediction /risk  of  aggression

Etiology   of aggression

Treatment and prevention   


Sociobiology and ethology



Implication  for psychiatry : communication, learned helplessness, stress syndromes, sensory deprivation


Anthropology and cross  cultural psychiatry



Culture-bound syndrome

Cultural  psychiatry:  culture, race and ethnicity,  culture   and  psychopathology




Type of clinical and epidemiologic studies

Research  methodology

Measurement and   instruments







Hypothesis testing :   type I  and type II  error  

Validity  and   reliability  of  diagnostic test / assessment tools

Descriptive   statistic  : percent,  mean, median,   mode,  range, SD, percentile

Univariate  analysis :  chi-Square test, t-test,  ANOVA, correlation, odd ratio, relative risk

concept of   confident interval,  effect  size, number needed to treat

Multivariate analysis : linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis

Survival  analysis,



6.       Psychosocial therapies





psychosocial therapies













-         Supportive psychotherapy

-         Psychodynamic psychotherapy

-         Cognitive behavioral therapy

-         Satir model systemic psychotherapy

-         Buddhist oriented psychotherapy

-         Crisis intervention

-         Brief psychotherapy

-         Behavior therapy



















-         Motivational interview

-         Interpersonal psychotherapy

-         Rehabilitation technique

-         Group psychotherapy

-         Psychosocial intervention in substance use disorder

-         Play therapy

-         Family therapy

-         Marital therapy

-         Milieu therapy






7.       Somatic treatment methods





somatic treatment methods

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)



Light therapy

Alternative medicine (eg. Acupuncture, massage)









8.       Consultation-liaison psychiatry





1.1               Specific syndrome (e.g. stress reactions, postpartum disorders,  pain syndrome, postsurgical and  ICU reactions, obesity)
























Stress  reactions

-Physiological response to stress (neurotransmitter response, endocrine responses, psychoneuro-immunology )

- Stress and psychiatric illness

- Treatment ;-  Pharmacological   approach,  Cognitive- behavioral   approach              

Postpartum  disorder

-Postpartum  psychiatric  disorders

(postpartum depression, postpartum  psychosis, fetal alcohol syndrome) : clinical  feature, risk  factors, course  and  prognosis, management

-Psychopharmacology during  pregnancy  and lactation

Pain  syndrome

- Etiology  

- Psychopathology and   psychodynamic  theme

- pain  behavior, suffering  and  psychiatric  diagnosis  (depression, anxiety,                  somatoform  disorder)

-  pain  management



Organ  Transplantation

- transplant  donor

- transplant  recipient

-  assessment  of  psychosocial factor, health behavior, compliance, social support,  prior coping, disease– specific  coping

- psychiatric  diagnoses

-  contraindication of  organ transplantation



-         psychiatric problems ; dependence, regression, hostility



















- Definition

- Etiology

- Risk factor: genetic  risk, behavioral  risk, illness risk

- Social & psychological consequence

- Treatment ;   behavior therapy


1.2   Psychiatric  aspects  of  nonpsychiatric illness   (Epidemiology,  Etiology,

clinical feature and  diagnosis, course and prognosis,    treatment)

    -   mood, anxiety and  psychotic  symptom,  delirium due to medications

    -  common medical drugs that relate to psychiatric symptoms ;

    - corticosteroid,  anticancer  agents, interferon, antihypertensive drugs, etc

- drugs abuse ;  analgesics

- sexual dysfunction ; antihypertensive, antiparkinsonian  agents

1.3   Psychosomatic  and  somatopsychic disorders.


    - definition  &  concept

    - classification  in  DSM-IV TR/ ICD- 10  and  diagnosis

    -  etiology;

·          stress  factors ; specific,  nonspecific

·          physiological  factors  [ Hans Selye (general  adaptation  syndrome), George  Engel, Walter  Cannon (fight or flight  response) ]

    -  treatment ; collaborative approach


-Conditions mimicking psychosomatic disorder

- Alternative therapy ; acupressure, acupuncture




1.4   models  of  consultation  psychiatry


    - definition  &  concept of consultation psychiatry, consultation –liaison psychiatry

    - concept of biopsychosocial model

    -  role and  task            


1.5   Areas to be covered in a consultation including 


    - coping with illness

    -  death, dying  and bereavement

    -  dealing with noncompliance or refusal to consent to procedure

    - psychotherapy of the medically ill

- alternative or complimentary medicine ; herbal preparation with  psychotropic effects


9.       Child and adolescent psychiatry

1.       Assessment and treatment of children and adolescents

2.       Psychiatric disorders (ตามที่ได้แนบมาในหัวข้อ psychiatric disorder)


10.   Forensic psychiatry




Rights of Patients   

-         Involuntary Hospitalization

-         Responsibility to Disclose

-         Responsibility to Appeal

-         Responsibility to Treat

-         Responsibility to Cooperate With Utilization Review

-         Boundary Violations

-         Confidentiality












 -      Breach of Confidentiality

Psychiatric Malpractice

-         Malpractice Claims

-         Somatic Therapies—Standard of Care

-         Somatic Therapies—Legal Liabilities

-         Failure to Evaluate Properly

-         Failure to Monitor or Supervise

-         Negligent Prescription Practices

-         Split Treatment

-         Violent Patients


Sexual Misconduct

-         Sexual Exploitation: Legal and Ethical Consequences

-         Criminal Sanctions

-         Licensure and Ethical Codes

Testimonial Privilege

-         Exceptions to Testimonial Privilege

-         Liability


Seclusion and Restraint

-         Indications for Seclusion and Restraint

-         Contraindications to Seclusion and Restraint

Recovered Memories


Competency: A Cornerstone Concept

-         Competency

-         Incompetent

-         Health Care Decision Making

-         Levels of Competency

-         Guardianship

-         Substituted Judgment

-         Physician-Assisted Suicide





Criminal Proceedings

-         Competency to Stand Trial

-         Insanity Defense

-         Automatisms

-         Guilty But Mentally Ill

Civil Litigation

พระราชบัญญัติสุขภาพจิต พ.ศ.๒๕๕๑



11.   Administrative psychiatry and in systems of health care delivery




­      Basic principles in public health

­            Foundations of the health and in particular of the mental health system

­            Policy issues relevant to psychiatry as well as levels of care

­            Access community, national, and allied health professional resources

­            Basic macroeconomic theory and its application to the financing of mental health systems

­            The relationship between psychiatry, the individual and the national economy

­            Organization and the financial aspects of psychiatric services

­            Principles of management including financial and human resource management with emphasis in community financing social insurance, user fees, privatization, equity and efficiency improvement

­    National decentralized structure and basis for service delivery with respect to psychiatry

­    Community systems of care which include ambulatory, consulting, acute care, partial hospital, skilled care, rehabilitation and substance abuse facilities; halfway houses; nursing homes and home care; and hospice organizations and assist patients to access appropriate care and other support services.




 –      Quality management of psychiatric


­            Use practice guidelines

­            Evidence-based mental health

­            Time management, clinic scheduling, and efficient communication with referring physicians

­            Understanding of risk management



12.   Ethics




­      Professional Codes  

­      Basic Ethical Principles         

­      Respect for Autonomy           

­      Beneficence                               

­      Nonmaleficence       

­      The Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry  

­      Confidentiality         

­      Responsibility to Disclose     

­      Responsibility to Appeal       

­      Responsibility to Treat           

­      Physicians in Training           

­      Physician Charter of Professionalism

­      บทบาทของแพทยสภา

­      จรรยาจิตแพทย์ของสมาคมจิตแพทย์แห่งประเทศไทย

­      Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  

­      Ethics in Managed Care         

­      Impaired Physicians                

­      Responsibility to Cooperate with Utilization Review  

­      Justice                                         

­      Sexual Boundary Violations                 

­      Nonsexual Boundary Violations          

­      Business                      

­      Ideological Issues    

­      Social                                          

­      Financial

ทักษะทางจิตเวช (Psychiatric Skills)


1.       ทักษะที่จำเป็นต้องทำได้ด้วยตนเอง

A.     Psychiatric interview and assessment (clinical and psychometric evaluation เช่น TMSE, MoCA, CIWA),  basic child psychiatric  assessment

B.      Physical and neurological examination and history taking

C.      ทักษะการรักษา (Therapeutic  skills)

a.       Counseling

b.       Psychoeducation

c.       Psychophamacotherapy

d.       Psychotherapy

§       Crisis intervention

§       Supportive psychotherapy

§       Brief psychotherapy

§       Psychodynamic psychotherapy

§       Motivational interview

§       Psychotherapy combined with psychopharmacotherapy

e.       Electroconvulsive therapy

f.        Parental guidance and child discipline technique

D.     ทักษะการรับปรึกษา (Consultation –liaison techniques) :communication, professionalism, holistic approach, decision making, system-based skill

E.      ทักษะทางนิติจิตเวช (Forensic psychiatric skill) : การออกเอกสารรับรอง  การเป็นพยาน


2.       ทักษะที่ควรทำได้หรือส่งปรึกษาผู้อื่นได้

A.     Assessment

a.       แปลผล organic test ได้ เช่น ADAS-cog  เป็นต้น

b.       แปลผล psychiatric rating scale (HAMD, PANSS etc.)

B.      ทักษะการรักษา (Therapeutic  skills)

a.       Cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior therapy

b.       Group psychotherapy

c.       Interpersonal psychotherapy

d.       Psychosocial intervention in substance use disorder

e.       Satir model systemic psychotherapy

C.      ทักษะทางจิตเวชชุมชน

D.     ทักษะทางนิติจิตเวช 


3.       ทักษะที่อาจทำได้ หรือเลือกส่งปรึกษาผู้อื่นได้เหมาะสม

A.     Assessment

a.       Psychological test (projective test,  IQ test)

b.       Neuro-psychological test

B.      ทักษะการรักษา Therapeutic skills

a.       Buddhist oriented psychotherapy

b.       Family therapy

c.       Marital therapy

d.       Milieu therapy

e.       Play therapy

f.        Rehabilitation technique

g.       Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)








Psychiatric interview and assessment (clinical and psychometric evaluation เช่น TMSE, MoCA, CIWA), Basic Child psychiatric  assessment

Physical and neurological examination and history taking

1.       แปลผล Organic test ได้ เช่น ADAS-cog  เป็นต้น

2.       แปลผล Psychiatric rating scale (HAMD, PANSS etc.)


1.      Psychological test (projective test, IQ  test)

2.      Neuro-psychological test


ทักษะการรักษา (Therapeutic  skills)







1.       Counseling

2.       Psychoeducation

3.       Psychophamacotherapy

4.       Psychotherapy

­      Crisis intervention

­      Supportive psychotherapy

­      Brief psychotherapy

­      Psychodynamic psychotherapy











1.Buddhist oriented psychotherapy

2.Family therapy

3.Marital therapy

4.Milieu therapy

5.Play therapy

6.Rehabilitation technique

7.Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)



­       Motivational interview

­      Psychotherapy combined with psychopharmacotherapy

5.       Electroconvulsive therapy

6.       Parental guidance and child discipline technique


1. Cognitive behavioral therapy, Behavior therapy

2.Group psychotherapy

3.Interpersonal psychotherapy

4.Psychosocial intervention in substance use disorder

5.Satir model systemic psychotherapy



ทักษะทางจิตเวชอื่น ๆ

- ทักษะการรับปรึกษา Consultation –liaison techniques (communication, professionalism, holistic approach, decision making, system-based skill)

- ทักษะทางนิติจิตเวช(Forensic psychiatric skill)  ได้แก่ การออกเอกสารรับรอง  การเป็นพยาน

- ทักษะทางจิตเวชชุมชน (Community psychiatry)

- ทักษะทางนิติจิตเวช (Forensic psychiatric skill)